World Mission Sunday

The Anglican Church of North America will celebrate World Mission Sunday on both Sunday, February 4, 2024. AFM is offering the following resources to help churches promote global missions:

AGMP World Mission Sunday Litany

AGMP World Mission Sunday Prayers

AFM January prayer calendar

AFM February prayer calendar

10-40 Window Bulletin

Our Logo expresses AFM’s vision sacramentally through color and shape. The orange in AFM's logo represents the fire of the Holy Spirit falling upon unreached people groups. The blue globe represents the priestly ephod, and thus the priestly ministry of our cross cultural workers who "declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light" (I Peter 2:8-9). The globe highlights the Eastern Hemisphere where the vast majority of unreached peoples are located, and purposely includes Europe, a new frontier in missions.

The shape of AFM’s logo, when traced around its perimeter, presents the logo in the shape of a key, an extremely important Biblical metaphor. Peter, upon whom Jesus built the Church, was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16.19) and AFM’s mission is to unlock the chains of bondage which enslave the unreached peoples at the ends of the earth. AFM has the keys of anointing, support, network, knowledge, purpose, training, history and determination to help every segment of the Anglican Communion to be a meaningful part of completing the Great Commission and doing it Anglicanly.

Suggested Books

The book traces the origins, the people, and the continuing foundations of Anglican Frontier Missions at its 25th year. We are familiar with shadows and signs of God’s work in many places in the world; however, the focus of this book is on shadows overlooked or not recognized, from the spreading of the Gospel to each and every people group.

To order it from Amazon, click here.

This series by Tad de Bordenave follows the lectionary year with comments on the lessons and scenes related to frontier missions. This book brings missionary insight to the Sunday readings as well as stories of God at work among the least evangelized peoples.

To order this, click here.

Suggested Video

General inquiries: (804)-355-8468
Financial & donation inquiries: (804)-349-0153

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA, 23226