A missionary society feeds on a special diet. This diet consists of encouragement, vision, urgency, and suffering. We here in the United States with Anglican Frontier Missions have been generously supplied with this diet by association with our partners in Nigeria. Let me tell you of one particular person who has brought large helpings of […]
New Wineskins 2016: Facing a Task Unfinished
New Wineskins is an opportunity for cross-cultural workers and all other mission-minded people to meet, network, learn, and worship together at one time and one place. At this triennial event, clergy and lay-people from all corners of the world talked about the mighty works of God and opportunities for further ministry. AFM was very well […]
Days of Wonder, Seasons of Harvest
“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war” (Revelation 19:11). One day Solomon (not his real name), a Muslim man in Nigeria, encountered a Christian woman who asked him if he knew that Jesus Christ was […]
Mere Anglicanism: The Cross and the Crescent
Mere Anglicanism is an event-oriented ministry that provides the tools and resources to disciple, train, and educate lay and clergy leaders for the renewal of biblical and orthodox Anglicanism within North America. Mere Anglicanism brings in theologians and thinkers who help Anglicans become deeper thinkers, more informed Christians, and better-equipped leaders. This year’s annual conference, […]
Impressions of Urbana 15 from a College Student
Urbana was an incredible experience. It was amazing to set aside part of my winter break to spend time with God and with thousands of people pursuing Him. I did not have any huge, glaringly obvious life changes, but a few, smaller changes to the way I think about things: mainly on what is happening […]
“Behold, I am doing a new thing!”
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Behold, I am doing a new thing! (Isaiah 43:18-19) Looking back at 2015, the nations and peoples of our tumultuous, topsy-turvy world seemed more divided, more decadent, more disinterested in the Gospel, and full of more disarray than ever before. Watching cable news or reading […]