We live in a place where ethnic division runs deep. The history of terrible violence between two particular ethnic groups has led to continued mistrust over generations. The majority group continues to deny the significance of the history, and the minority group often feels insecure about their sense of identity and acceptance in the broader […]
Testimonies from Cross-Cultural Workers: Islam in Europe
In February of 2017, I attended a conference very near and dear to my heart. It’s called “Without Borders,” and it is a course designed specifically to equip Christian women to reach out to the Muslims in their lives. I had been working with Muslims since 2005, but I’m always looking for better ways to […]
Testimonies from Cross-Cultural Workers: War Zone in the Middle East
I had known Yakoob for 10 months when I first had the “come to Jesus” talk with him. We had worked side by side in difficult circumstances, serving people in desperate need and in a combat environment. We spent long hours together in a pick-up truck traveling the rugged roads across the countryside, making contact […]
Gafcon 2018 in Jerusalem: Thoughts from AFM’s Executive Director
by Christopher Royer I was privileged to attend Gafcon (June 17-23) in Jerusalem with almost 2,000 Anglican Christians from fifty countries. Gafcon, which stands for Global Anglican Future Conference, is a quinquennial meeting of theologically-orthodox and biblically-faithful Anglicans. The first Gafcon occurred in Jerusalem (2008) and the second in Kenya (2013). Outstanding teaching, daily intercessory prayer in small […]
The Pastoral Challenge for ex-Muslim Christians
by Duane Miller I recently attended a consultation in East Africa. Our goal was to formulate a strategy for evangelizing the unreached of East Africa and the Horn Africa, almost all Muslims. This talk was my own contribution to the consultation and was well received. It is an expansion of an earlier talk I gave in […]
Gaps in the Anglican Church
I attended the International Congress of Anglicans in 2015. I was there representing AFM, and spoke with scores of people as I manned our table. The main response I heard was, “We did this a hundred years ago in Africa, and that bishop over there is from one of those countries.” That reminded me a lot […]