There’s a story of a priest who lived in a fishing village near the sea. One year, in his annual congregational report, he announced that “nine fishermen had been lost at sea in inclement weather.” The church was shocked, amazed, and confused. “Who are these nine people—why isn’t the entire village talking about this?” The […]
The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Living
Living cross-culturally, it’s fascinating to compare the strengths and weaknesses of our host culture and culture of origin. One thing that quickly becomes clear is that all cultures are broken and in need of redemption in different ways. The reality of sin means that no culture is exempt from this. In West Asia, where we […]
God is at Work in Myanmar
Since my husband Andrew and I made the move to join an Anglican church a few years ago, one of my favorite things about Anglicanism has been the global community of believers that exists within this tradition. Our own church, St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Birmingham, AL, has a substantial population of East African believers […]
Tips for Supporting Your Cross-Cultural Worker
by Sharon Miller, AFM Cross-Cultural Worker Tips for supporting your Cross-Cultural Worker (CCW), both overseas and when they’re on home assignment I’ve been a CCW for over a decade in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. Each assignment has come with its unique challenges, and I am always so grateful for what I […]
Our 25-Year Anniversary Celebration
Thank you to all who partnered with us to see that the gospel is spread “to the ends of the earth” at our 25-year anniversary service. Our founder, the Rev. Canon Tad de Bordenave, reminded us of the vision of AFM; the Most Rev. Foley Beach exhorted us to renewed commitment; and our Executive Director, […]
Understanding the Task Remaining