“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."
- Psalm 2:8
We live in extraordinary times. It is easy to turn on the news and be overwhelmed by the unceasing needs around us, the chaos and turbulence in the world, and the tremendous increase of evil. Yet, God’s Spirit is working mightily in our day, reaching people groups who have never heard the name of Jesus before!
In obedience to Scripture, AFM undergirds every aspect of our ministry with prayer. We submit not only our anxieties and fears to the Lord but also our entire ministry, asking Him to bless, guide, and protect us as we share the Gospel to the largest and least-evangelized people groups in the world.
We thank God for the gift of His call to reach the unreached and we rest in His peace that guards our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-7). Will you join us in lifting our requests to the Father? You can support the ministry of AFM through prayer by:
- Signing up for our monthly prayer bulletin and joining us in prayer each day for a different aspect of our ministry.
- Join our Thursday (11:00 am-noon) Zoom prayer meeting every week by emailing us at prayforme@afm-us.org.
- We give particular prayer focus on the last Tuesday of the month. Join us for a prayer luncheon at noon at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Richmond, VA, or form your own monthly prayer group.