Reaching Muslims with the Gospel
AFM Pre-Conference, Sept. 17 (1:30-5 p.m.), 2025
Ridgecrest Conference Center, Black Mountain, NC
Jim Henry Auditorium
Taking place before the New Wineskins Conference (Sept. 17-20, 2025)
“How do I share the gospel with Muslims?” “What are some practical avenues to developing friendships with them?” An Anglican Bishop ministering to Christians from a Muslim Background and AFM cross-cultural workers living in Muslim-majority cultures will discuss their experiences and basic tools to help attendees more effectively share Jesus’ love with Muslims. AFM missionaries and this Anglican Bishop will also discuss how the Spirit of God is moving throughout the Islamic world in amazing ways with miraculous power and astounding grace.
Participants will hear testimonies and stories that the mainstream media never shares and that the average church goer in the pews rarely hears. Participants will understand more fully the role that prayer plays in advancing the gospel. Moreover, participants will learn how some of Anglicanism’s distinctives — like liturgy, sacraments (the Lord’s Supper and Baptism), and our catholic embrace of the Great Tradition — are not just add-ons on superfluous to effective discipleship but rather indispensable tools in the spiritual formation of Christians from a Muslim background.
Come join us for this half-day pre-conference, Reaching Muslims with the Gospel. You will not only come away encouraged by numerous open doors across the globe, but you will be given tools to discern your role in God’s story to see individuals from every tribe, tongue, language, and nation worship the Lamb (Revelation 7:9).
Cost: $25
Dates: Reaching Muslims with the Gospel begins Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 1:30 p.m. and concludes at 5 p.m. The New Wineskins Mission Conference begins Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m.
Location: The Jim Henry Auditorium in the Mountain Laurel Building
- To register for the AFM Pre-Conference, Reaching Muslims with the Gospel, click here.
- To pay for the AFM Pre-Conference, Reaching Muslims with the Gospel, click here (funds go directly to Ridgecrest Conference Center).
- To register for New Wineskins and for lodging/meals at Ridgecrest Conference Center, click here.
Lodging: The AFM CCWs, board and staff will be staying at Ridgecrest Conference Center, in Mountain Laurel West if you would like to reserve a room in this space.
Who Should Attend: Reaching Muslims with the Gospel is for anyone considering a call to short-term, mid-term, or long-term frontier missions. By “frontier missions,” we mean people groups (ethnic nations) where there is not yet a viable or visible church. This conference is also for laity, the average person in the pew, who want to learn more about sharing Jesus and making disciples among unengaged and unevangelized people groups and nations. Therefore, AFM warmly invites all Christians, including mission committee members, clergy, and rectors (senior pastors) who desire to understand the progress the gospel’s made over the last 2,000 years and the areas and people groups still devoid of Christian presence.
Reaching Muslims with the Gospel this year will focus on strategic and fervent intercessory prayer, the foundation of reaching any people group with the Gospel. Participants will learn how to pray more effectively, strategically, and fruitfully for frontier people groups around the world which they will be able to apply to their own cultural context. One highlight will be our Tuesday night Concert of Prayer where we intercede after hearing from an Anglican bishop who ministers to Christians from a Muslim Background.
Thus, AFM warmly invites you to join our missionaries from southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, other regions, and even AFM cross-cultural workers ministering in the United States. You will come away encouraged to be a bolder and more faithful witness of Jesus Christ.
Questions? Email us at operations@afm-us.org