Our Speakers

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Royer
Executive Director
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Royer has been the Executive Director of AFM since 2014. Chris was born and raised in Boulder, CO and graduated from Wheaton College with a double major in Biblical Studies and Philosophy. He went on to earn an M.A. from Wheaton in New Testament Studies. He then ministered in a Middle Eastern country from 1990-2006. In 2004, Chris earned an M.Div. from Denver Seminary and in 2007, a Diploma in Anglican Studies from Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. Chris was ordained to the priesthood in 2009. From 2008-2014, Chris served in parish ministry until he was called to lead AFM. Chris and Grace have two daughters in college.

Norman Beale
Norman grew up in New Orleans. and married his wife Beth in 1980. In 1982 the Beales had a shared sense of being sent by God into mission work among unreached people groups (UPGs). After study in Pasadena, CA, they followed God’s call to Nepal and later worked among the Tamang people, while also establishing the Anglican church in Nepal. They have two children, whom they adopted in Nepal, now adults. Norman earned a master’s degree in Education, and taught elementary school for ten years. He also earned a master’s in Missions and was ordained a priest in 1996. The Beales were in Nepal from 1986-2001 and in Cambodia from 2008-2010. Norman has been an Anglican Chaplain for eleven years. In 2022, they rejoined Pastors to Cross-Cultural Workers.

Duane Alexander Miller, Ph. D
The Rev. Dr. Duane Alexander Miller serves as a priest with the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church; is founding co-pastor of Kanisa, an Arabic-language fellowship; and associate professor at the Protestant Faculty of Theology at Madrid.
He holds a BA in philosophy, an MA in theology, and diplomas in Spanish and Arabic. He was awarded a PhD in Divinity (focus on World Christianity) from the University of Edinburgh. His doctoral thesis was published as Living among the Breakage: Contextual Theology-making and ex-Muslim Christians (Pickwick, 2016).
After studying Arabic, the Millers moved to the Muslim-majority city of Nazareth, Israel where he served as professor of church history and founding academic dean of Nazareth Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS). (In 2015 NETS and a local bible college merged to form Nazareth Evangelical College.) Duane has also taught at the University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Edinburgh, and St Mary’s University.
Duane has published numerous articles and chapters on the topics of Christian converts from Islam, the history of Protestant missions in Ottoman Palestine, and contemporary Anglicanism in Spain.
He is author of Two Stories of Everything: The Competing Metanarratives of Islam and Christianity (Credo, 2018), which is also available in Spanish as Dos Historias de Todo (Sola Fide, 2021).
He is co-author of Arab Evangelicals in Israel (Pickwick, 2016) and, most recently, author of I will Give them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ’s Converts from Islam (Regnum, 2020).
In addition to teaching and ministering in Madrid, Duane travels broadly to provide training, teaching and carry out research. He is commonly invited to churches and colleges to speak on Muslim-Christian relations in Europe and Christian witness to Muslims, both historically and today.

The Rev. Tad de Bordenave
Founder of AFM
The Rev. Tad de Bordenave has been ordained since 1969, and served in parish ministry till 1993. He served in the Blue Ridge Mountains, South Alabama, and lastly in Richmond, Virginia. He is married to Constance, and has three children and four grandchildren. Tad currently lives in Heathsville on Virginia’s Northern Neck. In 1993, he founded Anglican Frontier Missions when he realized God’s heart and calling for unreached people groups. Tad served as AFM’s Executive Director until 2007. He is also a reknowned author, publishing the books “Light to the Nations: God’s Covenant with the Unreached,” and “Paul’s Global Gospel.” These books address church involvement in frontier missions, ways to serve among the least evangelized, and the New Testament witness to frontier mission.