
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Opportunities for Clergy

Our opportunities are listed below; please contact us if you feel God may be leading you to serve Him globally.

For more information, contact us here.

Vicar and Assistant Minister Positions

(1.) Position: Vicar of All Saints Anglican Church Jakarta, Indonesia

Duties and Responsibilities:

a. Operational

  • Working with the Ministry team and the Church Council to achieve the mission of All Saints to know and make known the love of Jesus.
  • Working with the Church Council and Associate Minister to develop and implement church-wide strategies for spiritual and numerical growth.
  • Develop and execute on the long term vision for the church property which is under the management of the church and church members
  • Leading the Church Council and also reporting to the Church Council
  • Involvement in local and coordinated/organised community outreach
  • Involvement with the Pastors and Clergy from the Anglican Church of Indonesia (Gereja Anglikan Indonesia - GAI)
  • Active in the GAI Council as All Saints’ representative
  • Overall responsibility for the administration of the church. This administration is also shared with the Associate Minister and Office Manager.
  • Overall Responsibility for the subcommittees of the Church Council which are also delegated amongst church members.
  • Participation in an annual performance evaluation.

b. Pastoral

  • Overall spiritual and pastoral responsibility for the five congregations in two church centres in meeting the growth goals as set out in the 5-year plan and beyond.
  • Leading the Ministry teams
  • Sharing Spiritual Leadership with the Associate Minister and the Ministry Team for spiritual care of the Church members
  • Preaching exegetically, pastoring and providing ministry leadership of one of the Church Centres of All Saints’ Jakarta
  • Progress the ministry to families in the church and to continue to develop creative ways to reach the English language community in Jakarta.
  • Overall responsibility for all the staff employed by All Saints; including security, grounds and workers in the homes.

Job Requirements/Selection Criteria:

a. Essential

  • Ability to adhere to Anglican doctrine expressed according to the Evangelical tradition as well as the more recent statements of faith of the Global South movement and GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference).
  • Strong English Speaker
  • A commitment to the Church’s mission mandate to know and make known the love of Jesus
  • An accepting attitude towards Christians of other traditions
  • Desire to serve a growing and diverse Christian community in the challenging environment of an Asian megacity
  • Cross-cultural and multi-denominational sensitivity and experience
  • A demonstrated ability to adapt to living in a different culture or subculture
  • Demonstrated pastoral skills
  • Demonstrated exegetical preaching, teaching, counselling and training skills
  • Willingness to come to Indonesia through a mission sending agency
  • A willingness and ability to learn Indonesian for basic spoken communication
  • A health clearance for the applicant and the family who will live in Indonesia from an approved medical practitioner
  • Ability to lead and work in a team with other ministry staff, Church staff and lay people

b. Desirable

  • Demonstrated experience in working effectively in situations of congregational conflict and stress
  • A demonstrated resilience and flexibility sufficient to cope with the constant change and possible instability in Indonesia, the rapid turnover and frequent absences of parishioners
  • If married, a strong marriage with a supportive spouse who is happy to live in Jakarta without a specified role or employment
  • Awareness of developing countries’ social and economic challenges


(2.) Position: Associate Minister at All Saints Anglican Church Jakarta, Indonesia

Start Date:
As soon as practicable.


This position in Jakarta, Indonesia, aims to offer the successful applicant an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the spiritual welfare of Christians in our parish through leadership, encouragement and discipleship, through preaching and pastoring, and through nurturing God-given ministries; as well as assisting the gospel to affect lives in the wider Indonesian context and into the world.

The church has two centres of worship, one in the historical centre of Jakarta (Menteng) and one in the southern suburb of Pondok Indah.

The two centres of worship have distinct characters largely because of the nature of the congregations they serve. Both centres have active children’s ministries. Both centres are involved in helping the many poor, marginalised and disaffected people of Indonesia as well as aiding the gospel poor peoples of Indonesia hear of Christ through the direct work of All Saints and through Indonesian partner organisations.

Church Structure and Organization:

Though we follow an Anglican liturgy, a significant proportion of the congregation are not Anglican by tradition.

All Saints Anglican Church is part of the Diocese of Singapore, in the Deanery of Indonesia, and the clergy are licensed by the Bishop of Singapore. However, the parish has its own constitution. Because of this and its location outside Singapore, the Church Council has more authority and responsibilities than in a conventional Anglican parish.

Thus, All Saints is unusual in the way it functions as an Anglican organization, and the applicant must be comfortable with a church structure that occasionally requires some compromise and diplomacy.

Duties and Responsibilities:

a. Operational

  • Reporting to the Vicar and member of the ministry teams with the Vicar, including working with the Vicar to develop and implement church-wide strategies for growth
  • Strategic and Creative thinking
  • Be open to the possibility of becoming Vicar of the Parish
  • Member of and reporting to the Church Council
  • Involvement in local and coordinated/organised community outreach
  • Involvement with the Pastors and Clergy from the Anglican Church of Indonesia (Gereja Anglikan Indonesia - GAI)
  • Active in the GAI Council but holding ‘observer’, non-voting status
  • Shared Administration tasks with the Vicar.
  • Active involvement in some of the subcommittees of the Church Council
  • Participation in an annual performance evaluation

b. Pastoral

  • Shared Spiritual Leadership with the Vicar within the Parish
  • Preaching exegetically (at least 3 out of 4 weeks each month), pastoring and providing ministry leadership of the Pondok Indah congregation of All Saints’
  • Developing the Christian ministry to Youth, Children and Families in the church and in the community.
  • Leadership of the ministry to men in the whole Parish
  • Shared Coordination and oversight of the Church’s small group ministry
  • Discharging all the Vicar’s responsibilities during his absences or following his delegation

Job Requirements/Selection Criteria:

a. Essentials

  • Ability to adhere to Anglican doctrine expressed according to the Evangelical tradition as well as the more recent statements of faith of the Global South movement and GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference).
  • Strong English Speaker
  • A commitment to the Church’s mission mandate to know and make known the love of Jesus
  • An accepting attitude towards Christians of other traditions
  • Desire to serve a growing and diverse Christian community in the challenging environment of an Asian megacity
  • Cross-cultural and multi-denominational sensitivity and experience
  • A demonstrated ability to adapt to living in a different culture or subculture
  • Demonstrated pastoral skills
  • Demonstrated exegetical preaching, teaching, counselling and training skills
  • Willingness to come to Indonesia through a mission sending agency
  • A willingness and ability to learn Indonesian for basic spoken communication
  • A health clearance for the applicant and the family who will live in Indonesia from a medical practitioner approved by the Vicar
  • Ability to work in a team with the Vicar, other Church staff and lay people

b. Desirable

  • Demonstrated experience in working effectively in situations of congregational conflict and stress
  • A demonstrated resilience and flexibility sufficient to cope with the constant change and possible instability in Indonesia, the rapid turnover and frequent absences of parishioners
  • If married, a strong marriage with a supportive spouse who is happy to live in Jakarta without a specified role or employment
  • Having a young family would be an advantage for ministry to the families of All Saints and possible ministry involvement in International schools.
  • Awareness of developing countries’ social and economic challenges

Christ Church
Bangkok, Thailand

Christ Church Bangkok seeks an experienced Anglican priest after Easter 2020 to lead this English speaking church

An opportunity of a lifetime!

Our church:
Christ Church Bangkok is a growing, multicultural church in the heart of Bangkok’s central business district. We are a church of wonderful diversity, with people from many countries and language groups. We often have more than 30 different nations represented on any given Sunday. Christ Church is a member of the Anglican Church in Thailand, part of the Diocese of Singapore and is the only English-speaking Anglican congregation in Bangkok.

Our worship:

  • There is a wide range of traditions represented in the two congregations and our worship services reflect this diversity.
  • Congregations of over 350 people worship twice on a Sunday and once midweek.

We are looking for someone who is:

  • Able to lead and care for this diverse congregation, gifted in preaching and able to inspire.
  • Able to delegate, keen to develop, nurture and grow new ministries.

We offer a full stipend; accommodation in the Vicarage located within the church compound, utilities paid and the usual office expenses.


  • In line with the policy of the Diocese of Singapore the post is for a male priest only.
  • If you are interested in a ministry with many rewards and challenges, contact AFM at chris@afm-us.org and the Rev Norman Jones for the Information and Application Packet: jonesnorman2019@gmail.com

Deadline for Completed Applications  -  November 7th 2019

General inquiries: (804)-355-8468
Financial & donation inquiries: (804)-349-0153

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA, 23226