Anglican Frontier Missions
P.O. Box 18038
Richmond, VA, 23226
General inquiries
Financial & donation inquiries
Monday through Thursday. (Remote hours are 9 am-
4 pm. Office hours are 9:30 am - 2:30 pm.)
Contact Form
We Invite you to Connect with Us!
Our vision is to do frontier missions Anglicanly!
AFM is a missionary society that sends missionaries to plant indigenous churches among the largest and least evangelized peoples in the world. Although 67 generations of Christians have lived and died since Jesus' resurrection, more than 7,000 ethno-linguistic people groups comprising 3 billion people are still unreached with the gospel. This Unseen 1/3rd of the world has little-to-no geographic and/or cultural access to the gospel. AFM works alongside churches, mobilizing them to send short- and long-term missionaries to do pioneer (or frontier) missions in areas where a viable and visible church still does not exist.
Planting biblically-based, multiplying, indigenous churches and dioceses where the church is not yet established, among the 3 billion people and 7,000 unreached people groups still waiting to hear the gospel for the very first time.
Partnering with members of the worldwide Anglican Communion and other Christians who live near or among unreached peoples, AFM equips and sends short- and long-term missionaries who harness the spiritually formational power, practices, and rhythms of the sacraments, liturgy and the prayer book tradition to disciple believers from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, animistic, and secular backgrounds. We invite you to join us!