Companion Dioceses, Global Partnerships, & UPGs
What is a “UPG”? An Unintended Permanent Guest? An Uninterrupted Power Grid? Ultra, Pabst, Gaffel Kölsch? NO! It means Unreached People Group! UPGs include any of the 7,000 people groups which have no viable or visible Christian presence among them. These people groups represent almost 2,000,000,000 – that’s right two billion – people.
AFM is set and prepared to help every Partnership Group include UPGs to help fulfill His Great Commission: the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
The banqueting table in the grand dining room of the King of Kings will be full of the most delicious things to eat ever imagined by our LORD. He will not miss a single taste, flavor, color, texture or ingredient. It will be complete and perfect!
He also intends there to be representatives at His banqueting table from every tribe, tongue, family and nation. At present representatives from 7,000 groups are missing. The guest list is incomplete and imperfect.
For decades, throughout the Anglican Communion, provinces, dioceses, and congregations have joined to support each other in Companion Diocese, Global Partnerships, and all sorts of programs to mutually strengthen the church. Countless schools, hospitals, roads, wells, and farms have been developed and improved. Multitudes of classes have been taught and quality of life has been improved, BUT!
Virtually none of these partnerships have ever included outreach to those where the church does not already exist. Two billion people in vast remote places at the ends of the earth have never heard the name of Jesus. Millions are born, live, and die each year without the possibility of hearing unless we move together to reach them with God’s Word.
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