Our Blog

God’s Showcase


by Tad de Bordenave During a recent interview Pope Francis described the plague of the world as “the Globalization of Indifference.” When St. Paul described the source of healing for our world, he stated, “The Riches of God’s Grace.” Living in the crease between those two statements, the Church endeavors to be obedient to the […]

Do You See What I See?


By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director of AFM Helen Keller once quipped, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision.” These words took on new meaning for me following a trip through Thailand and Cambodia. As you may know, these are both predominantly Buddhist countries. Having spent the entirety of my […]

Praying in the Spirit


By Elise Deal, AFM Director of Operations My name is Elise Deal, and I’m privileged to be the new Director of Operations for Anglican Frontier Missions. I’m excited to be a part of AFM and cannot wait to see all that the Lord has in store! By way of both introduction of myself and encouragement […]

An Anglican Pilgrimage to El Khatatba, Egypt


by The Rev. Abbot Norman Beale This summer, the Rev. Dr. Chris Royer and I were honored to participate in the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans (GSFA) Assembly as mission partners representing Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM). Our objectives were threefold: To worship the Lord and receive new strength through prayer, the Word, and the Spirit. […]

My 10 Years with AFM

Anna Russell Pentecost Sunday at Christ the King

By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director, AFM July 21, 2024 marked my 10-year working anniversary with AFM. As I pause to reflect over the last decade, two things come to mind. First, I consider Psalm 77:14 which says, “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Second, […]

Come as Little Children

Barnabas letter little children

The Joy of Choosing Relationship over Perfectionism (Every summer AFM trains and sends short-term cross-cultural workers (CCWs) to unreached people groups around the world. The report below is from Abby, an AFM short-term CCW who spent several weeks serving with Muslim children in the Middle East.) In the summer of 2023 I went to the […]

My Week with AFM

AFM Albania communion

By The Rev. Brad Roderick, PhD Vice President of Academic Affairs & Director of the Stanway Institute for World Mission & Evangelism Trinity School for Ministry For the past four and a half years, I’ve had the joy of living an “AFM adjacent” life. My wife, Gretchen, serves as the Training Coordinator for AFM, and I […]

The Lawyer Meets the Samaritan


by the Rev. Tad de Bordenave The dialogue of Jesus and the lawyer came to an end with the telling of the Good Samaritan. It began with lawyer’s the opening question: What must I do to inherit eternal life? That question determined the course of the conversation. From then on, Jesus directed the conversation to […]

Compassion Without Genesis 1:1


by the Rev. Tad de Bordenave We move now to the point in the story where the Good Samaritan stops and administers compassion to the man in the ditch. This man Jesus describes as “beaten, stripped, and dying.” We will transpose him to today’s world and examine compassion from two different perspectives. One shows biblical […]

The Man in the Ditch…Today


Tad de Bordenave We now turn our attention to the parable of the Good Samaritan and the central character of the story —  the man in the ditch. Jesus described him with terms that are brief and grim. The man was “stripped, wounded, and left half-dead.” This was not a pretty sight! No wonder the priest […]

Hearing the Man in the Ditch


Was it only two weeks since we put aside the story of the Good Samaritan, the visit of the lawyer and Jesus? In the interim we have had shopping, lists, family, decorations, lists, guests, presents, feasts, lists, and — oh yes – Christmas and New Years. Time to return to the Good Samaritan and the […]

God’s Good Life: Testing Jesus


by Tad de Bordenave We enter the story of the Good Samaritan with the dialogue of Jesus and the lawyer. This well-educated lawyer was steeped in Jewish law, but he had never met anyone like Jesus. This rabbi had done miracles, drew crowds, and alienated the religious establishment. The lawyer wanted to test him.  Should […]

God’s Good Life: The Good Samaritan

Good Samaritan blog post

from AFM’s Founder and first Executive Director, The Rev. Canon Tad de Bordenave This article begins a series that will take us into the story of the Good Samaritan. The drama has given the world several well-known and well-loved phrases and people. The larger context is a conversation between  Jesus and a lawyer. In that […]

The Power of Giving: Supporting AFM Financially

Global connection blog

By Heather Okuda Why Giving Matters In a world filled with distinct needs and challenges, Anglican Frontier Missions meets the specific Christian needs of unreached people groups, bringing hope, aid, and spiritual guidance to communities across the globe. AFM and our cross-cultural workers passionately work to address numerous issues ranging from education to spiritual guidance. […]

AFM’s Mission Curriculum is Here!

Digital Missions Curriculum promo image

  I’m thrilled to announce that AFM’s four-week, video-driven global mission’s curriculum is finally available! Teaching and preaching about missions across the U.S over the last nine years in my role as AFM’s executive director has helped me realize the paucity of Anglican missions curricula focused on the least-reached peoples on the globe. Thus, two […]

Reflections on GAFCON IV in Kigali, Rwanda


by Gretchen Roderick AFM Training Coordinator As I was preparing to attend my first Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in April, I learned that the theme was “To Whom Shall We Go?”  Immediately, my mind conjured up what I thought was the meaning of this phrase—taking the gospel to unreached people groups (UPGs), those peoples […]

The Tendrils of the Gospel in North Africa

North Africa tendrils

by “William,” an AFM Cross-Cultural Worker While on a short-term mission trip to North Africa with AFM during the fall of 2022, we were encouraged by the rector of our host church to explore further south where the population is primarily composed of the Berber people group.  There was something there he wanted us to […]

A Word of Thanksgiving to God…and to You!

Generic Cross

by The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director of AFM “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57). This has been the opening acclamation for the Divine Office’s Evening Prayer service throughout the season of Easter. After the fast-moving and tumultuous events AFM has experienced over […]

Turkish Earthquake Relief: My Time in Antakya

Turkish earthquake relief

By “Samuel,” an AFM Cross-Cultural Worker Recently, I spent a week in Antakya (biblical Antioch), one of the region’s most severely affected by the earthquakes in Turkey. From a distance, it didn’t seem so bad. It didn’t look nearly so serious as the horrible devastation we’d been hearing about in news reports. But as we drove closer, […]

The Gift of Going

Gift Present

by Heidi Swanson, Member of the AFM Board of Directors Many of us love the family traditions that go along with the Christmas Season. While some of our traditions may be different, one that we all have in common is giving gifts. As we approach Christmas once again, I find myself thinking about a different […]

Where Does God Want to Use Me?

New Wineskins Tad blog

Reflections on the New Wineskins Missions Conference by The Rev. Canon Tad de Bordenave, Founder and first Executive Director of AFM The sweet fragrance and beautiful colors of autumn covered the Ridgecrest campus in Asheville, NC. In the same way, the winds of the Holy Spirit blew over all and into the minds and hearts […]

Connecting churches & CCWs

Barnabas Teams In-between villages

by Matt Foster, Trustee on the AFM Board of Directors One week after graduating from college, I went overseas to work among an unreached people group (UPG) in the foothills of the Himalayas. I left for a two-year term and was allowed to extend that term for another year. In those three years, my small […]

And I didn’t start until I was 52!

Facing a Task Unfinished Thumbnail

by an AFM cross-cultural worker (Yes, that was 25 years ago so you can guess my age.) Just 25 years ago, I was applying to become an Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM) missionary. Two months prior, our church hosted a one-day missions conference organized by a couple just returning from the 1997 New Wineskins Conference. Karen and […]

Refugees’ Journey to Grace


by The Rev. Canon Tad de Bordenave, Founder and 1st Executive Director of AFM The sudden collapse in Afghanistan has forced many to flee their homeland with little more than the clothes on their backs.  Those currently being evacuated from Afghanistan join millions of refugees from other Muslim lands, including Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan, who […]

Europe: A Pressing New Frontier

Europe 1

by The Rev. Dr. Chris Royer Executive Director, AFM I vividly remember my first days on the mission field 31 years ago.  I joined hundreds of Americans and thousands of other short-termers from across the globe in Genk, Belgium for an OM conference called Love Europe. It was electrifying. Graham Kendrick, who had just written “Shine […]

God’s Other Children: Minority Peoples in Iran

Iran carpet

by the Rev. Tad de Bordenave Within Iran we find another group of God’s Other Children. This would be minority people—ethnic groups different from the dominant majority and who suffer because of that inferior status. A corollary is that their suffering and oppression are hidden from view behind the majority people, usually deliberately so. Iran […]

Children in the Nativity Story

Nativity Story

by Tad de Bordenave Christmas is nearly here. Most of your children are looking forward to stockings, maybe a pageant, and certainly toys. This article is about those children for whom all these are missing. These children are found in the Nativity narratives but are  overlooked. I will put our attention on them so we can see […]

Messages Children Live By

Children Playing

by Tad de Bordenave Children thrive on positive reinforcement, strokes that lift, encourage, sustain, and feed their development. After all, they are sacred to God, created in his image, and dearly loved and protected by him, their heavenly Father. This certainty establishes their identity in secure places. This article is about children who do not […]

God’s Other Children


by Tad de Bordenave We turn to another member of God’s Other Children, the hungry. In the parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus tells us, “I was hungry and you fed me.” These 818 million children are our brothers and sisters and they are hungry. Like the other children we look at, these children […]

Children in the Nativity Story

God’s heart for children

by the Rev. Tad de Bordenave Christmas is nearly here. Most of your children are looking forward to stockings, maybe a pageant, and certainly toys. This article is about those children for whom all these are missing. These children are found in the Nativity narratives but are  overlooked. I will put our attention on them so we […]

Praying for the Persecuted Church

Persecuted Church Blog Image

by Tad de Bordenave You may not live where persecution takes place, but 260 million Christians do. They live in one of the 50 nations who carry out severe persecution. Numbers don’t have faces, but they do tell a story. Imagine what it means that every week over 150 churches in these nations are burned […]

The Grip on Hunger in Chad

Hunger in Chad

by Tad de Bordenave The people, the influences, and the dire human conditions in Chad exist in far too many other places. By giving a close look at what holds a tight grip on hunger there, we will see the wider boundaries of this food crisis. And in all those places are found God’s other […]


God’s Showcase


by Tad de Bordenave During a recent interview Pope Francis described the plague of the world as “the Globalization of Indifference.” When St. Paul described the source of healing for our world, he stated, “The Riches of God’s Grace.” Living in the crease between those two statements, the Church endeavors to be obedient to the […]

Do You See What I See?


By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director of AFM Helen Keller once quipped, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision.” These words took on new meaning for me following a trip through Thailand and Cambodia. As you may know, these are both predominantly Buddhist countries. Having spent the entirety of my […]

Praying in the Spirit


By Elise Deal, AFM Director of Operations My name is Elise Deal, and I’m privileged to be the new Director of Operations for Anglican Frontier Missions. I’m excited to be a part of AFM and cannot wait to see all that the Lord has in store! By way of both introduction of myself and encouragement […]

My 10 Years with AFM

Anna Russell Pentecost Sunday at Christ the King

By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director, AFM July 21, 2024 marked my 10-year working anniversary with AFM. As I pause to reflect over the last decade, two things come to mind. First, I consider Psalm 77:14 which says, “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Second, […]

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Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA, 23226