by The Rev. Canon Tad de Bordenave, Founder and First Executive Director of AFM Martin Luther admonished Christian leaders to address the controversies of the day rather than issues unrelated to the contemporary church. Consistent with his own advice, he took on the corrupt teaching of the church in his essay, “The Babylonian Captivity of […]
Sharing the Gospel with Muslims
by Peter Bryce AFM affiliate cross-cultural worker When I was first introduced to the idea of sharing Jesus with Muslims, I was advised to follow an approach called “friendship evangelism.” This method is much like it sounds, involving invitations into your home, taking outings together to local sites, weekly visits to get to know them […]
Bottom Dwellers, Black Holes, and the Bagri
By the Rev. Tad de Bordenave . The Tadpole Galaxy I have been enthralled—yes, that is the mot juste—by watching a series of lectures on the Hubble Space Telescope. The pictures, like my namesake above, are out of this world. (You can quote me on that.) Hubble has made breath-taking discoveries about the universe. Many of […]
Thoughts on the 2017 ACNA Assembly
By Jeff Walton, AFM Board Member . Immigrants, study-abroad students, and those in need of healing all constitute a mission field “on our doorstep,” according to speakers at the 2017 Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Provincial Assembly. “God didn’t save you to sit in a pew,” Archbishop Ben Kwashi of Jos, Nigeria pointedly declared […]
Bottom Dwellers- Who Cares?
By the Rev. Tad de Bordenave Rationale: Mission work should be looked as an investment. For investments like money, time, opportunity, resources, we look for results. We expect influence, impact, and situations that will make a difference. The same should be true for missions. This is not being cold but realistic. We cannot be expected […]
We’re Here to Serve Your Church
One of our core values is esteeming the local church. That is why we come alongside parishes to assist them discover their place in frontier missions. But how? In April I facilitated a Saturday workshop with the mission committee of Holy Cross Cathedral in Loganville, Georgia. We discussed topics such as the biblical basis for […]