Sharing the Gospel with the unreached

Sharing the Gospel with the unreached

Our Vision

Our vision is to do frontier missions Anglicanly,

Planting biblically-based, multiplying, indigenous churches and dioceses where the church is not yet established, among the 2 billion people and approximately 5,000 Frontier People Groups among whom the church is not yet established.  

Partnering with members of the worldwide Anglican Communion and other Christians who live near or among unreached peoples, AFM equips and sends short- and long-term missionaries who harness the spiritually formational power, practices, and rhythms of the sacraments, liturgy and the prayer book tradition to disciple believers from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, tribal, and secular backgrounds. Join us!

Our Logo expresses AFM’s vision sacramentally through color and shape. The orange in AFM's logo represents the fire of the Holy Spirit falling upon unreached people groups. The blue globe represents the priestly ephod, and thus the priestly ministry of our cross cultural workers who "declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light" (I Peter 2:8-9). The globe highlights the Eastern Hemisphere where the vast majority of unreached peoples are located, and purposely includes Europe, a new frontier in missions.

The shape of AFM’s logo, when traced around its perimeter, presents the logo in the shape of a key, an extremely important Biblical metaphor. Peter, upon whom Jesus built the Church, was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16.19) and AFM’s mission is to unlock the chains of bondage which enslave the unreached peoples at the ends of the earth. AFM has the keys of anointing, support, network, knowledge, purpose, training, history and determination to help every segment of the Anglican Communion to be a meaningful part of completing the Great Commission and doing it Anglicanly.

Check Out our Latest Blog Posts

God’s Showcase


by Tad de Bordenave During a recent interview Pope Francis described the plague of the world as “the Globalization of Indifference.” When St. Paul described the source of healing for our world, he stated, “The Riches of God’s Grace.” Living in the crease between those two statements, the Church endeavors to be obedient to the […]

Do You See What I See?


By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director of AFM Helen Keller once quipped, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision.” These words took on new meaning for me following a trip through Thailand and Cambodia. As you may know, these are both predominantly Buddhist countries. Having spent the entirety of my […]

Check Out our Latest Blog Posts

God’s Showcase


by Tad de Bordenave During a recent interview Pope Francis described the plague of the world as “the Globalization of Indifference.” When St. Paul described the source of healing for our world, he stated, “The Riches of God’s Grace.” Living in the crease between those two statements, the Church endeavors to be obedient to the […]

Do You See What I See?


By The Rev. Chris Royer, PhD Executive Director of AFM Helen Keller once quipped, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision.” These words took on new meaning for me following a trip through Thailand and Cambodia. As you may know, these are both predominantly Buddhist countries. Having spent the entirety of my […]

General inquiries: (804)-355-8468
Financial & donation inquiries: (804)-349-0153

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA, 23226

General inquiries: (804)-355-8468
Financial & donation inquiries: (804)-349-0153

Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mailing address: P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA, 23226